Let’s answer some of your more frequently asked questions here

Q: Why do I need pet health insurance?

A: While your pet might be healthy today, there is no way to predict what might happen in the future. In the event of an accident or Injury, PawPaw Pet Health Insurance will make it possible that your pet has access to the best care possible. Why take the chance of making heart-breaking choices, based on your finances?

Q: What does PawPaw Pet Health Insurance cover?

A: PawPaw Pet Health Insurance covers up to 90% of the veterinary bills for any unexpected illness or injury that your pet may suffer. It is very important that you take the time to read the PawPaw policy terms and conditions. The PawPaw policy document is a short, single page document written in clear concise language, with no fine print or complicated clauses. If you have any questions please contact your broker, or alternatively email or contact us on 021 403 9177.

Q: At what age can my pet join?

A: Any dog or cat over the age of 8 weeks and under the age of 8 years may sign up for comprehensive cover, from 8 weeks and up at inception for Accident only cover.

Q: Does my pet have to be micro-chipped or tattooed for cover?

A: No, we do not require your pets be micro-chipped or tattooed before cover.

Q: Does my pet have to be spayed or neutered before cover and do you charge extra premium if the pet hasn’t?

A: No, we do not exclude pets that have not been spayed or neutered nor do we charge an extra premium. We highly recommend spaying and neutering your pets.

Q: What are pre-existing conditions?

A: Pre-existing conditions are any illnesses or injuries that the pet showed symptoms of prior to joining us, they can also be pets that show symptoms during the first month of the policy waiting period. Some pre-existing conditions may be subject to specific waiting periods or be excluded from cover. When signing up, you will see that the application form has 12 questions regarding your pets’ medical history. It is always best to answer the questions as accurately as possible. Should the questions not be answered accurately and honestly, this will be deemed misleading to the insurance company and considered fraud. The result of this will be that your policy will be cancelled, and claims will not be paid. After receiving your application, PawPaw Pet Health Insurance will inform you of any exclusion your pet may have in writing, allowing you to make an informed decision regarding your pets’ insurance.

Q: How do you know if a condition is pre-existing for a recently adopted pet?

A: In the case where the history of your pet is unknown, we may ask for a veterinary check-up prior to acceptance, for your own account.

Q: When does my cover begin? Are there waiting periods?

A: Your cover begins on the first of the calendar month after signing up with us. There is a one month waiting period for all illnesses however accidental cover is immediate.

Q: Do you offer lifelong cover after a pet has been accepted and the pet goes over the covered age limit?

A: Yes, if your premiums are paid every month your pet will continue to enjoy full cover for their entire lifetime.

Q: Are there limits to how much is paid for treatments?

A: PawPaw have no limits or sub-limits on specific conditions. All non-emergency treatments need to be pre-authorised by PawPaw.

Q: Will a condition ever be considered pre-existing due to policy renewals?

A: No. Your pets’ policy will continue to renew each month so long as your premiums are paid. We consider this to be continuous cover and we do not exclude conditions from year to year.

Q: Do you offer a multiple pet discount?

A: No, we have chosen not to raise our premium in order to offer various pet discounts. PawPaw Pet Health Insurance would rather offer all of their clients, the same affordable premium.

Q: Does my pets age or breed affect their premium?

A: No, we do not penalise people for their choice of their dog or cat. 

Q: What are hereditary conditions?

A: Hereditary and congenital conditions are diseases or disorders that are inherited genetically. Certain breeds of dogs and cats are prone to specific conditions.

Q: Are hereditary and breed related conditions covered?

A: PawPaw Pet Health Insurance covers hereditary conditions. If your pet hasn’t been diagnosed with a condition, or if they are not showing symptoms of the condition before sign-on or within the 30 day illness waiting period, cover will be available.

Q: Are age related illnesses and medications covered?

A: Yes, your pet will continue to be covered, as long as your premiums are paid.

Q: Do you cover prescription medications?

A: Yes, provided that the medication has been prescribed by the treating veterinarian for an illness or accident that is not a pre-existing condition. Vaccinations, de-worming, tick and flea control or any routine care is not covered. If your pet requires on-going medication for more than three months, the medication may be deemed to be chronic and then will be subject to the clinical treatment protocols.


For your reference & information